(Current Issue) Volume 46 (2024-2025), Issue 2 (2024)
Front Matter
Import Taxes Based on Climate Policies and International Trade Law
Import Taxes Based on Climate Policies and International Trade Law
Howard F. Chang 299
Collaborative Protections of Intellectual Property: The Case of China
Collaborative Protections of Intellectual Property: The Case of China
Taorui Guan 341
Healthy Investments: Reshaping International Investment Agreements to Safeguard Public Health
Healthy Investments: Reshaping International Investment Agreements to Safeguard Public Health
Andrew D. Mitchell & Tien Dat Hoang 409
Measuring and Advancing Commercial Courts’ Internationality
Measuring and Advancing Commercial Courts’ Internationality
Yueming Yan & Tianyu Liu 477
Accra’s Rejoinder: The AFCFTA Protocol on Investment as Host State Remedy Catalyst in Business and Human Rights Law
Nicolas Anthony Friedlich 547